A recent study conducted by SEXY PLUSE Andrology group on 2500 patients says sexual impotence among men and women has emerged as the major cause of marriage divorce. 39% - 51% of marrages worlwide are breaking due to lack of  satisfaction in sexual life. As per study in  analysis in male population physical health majorly found responsibility for erectile dysfunction while in female population mental health most affect sexual life activity. Maintaining a healthy marriage requires time, effort, compromise from both spouses. When one or both spouses find a marriage to be unsatisfactory, it is likely because of the problems that arise due to issues of communication, expectations or sexual dissatisfaction. Sexual impotence is a condition most poorly understood and mismanaged of all medical disorders results in marriage breakup as per study of SEXY PLUSE Andrology Group. Sexual impotence is a common problem. It was found in our study that average married couple have sex 58 times in per year. or slightly more than once a week. Erectile Dysfunction in men or sexual impotence affects 80% of men population of all ages. this numbers are alarming but accurate as stactistic show that only 20% of the male population procreate with 80% of the female population. This is why SEXY PLUSE is here to help you with the most modern medications and treatments to take charge of your sexual life and save your marriage.